Writing Update for the Week of July 6th

Real Life Update
This week was a bit hectic.

We went to the big city on Thursday, to see my Uncle and help with his squirrel issue.

Saturday, so yesterday, we went to the lake. It was great, except that I'm burnt like a tomato on my shoulders which makes lifting my arms an issue.

Writing Update
Days Filled: Su / Mo / Tu / We / Th / Fr / Sa (4/7) meh.
Word Count: 1637

I got some stuff done, but not really anything noteworthy, sorry darlings.

Camp NaNo Update
I'm doing CN on top of my regularly scheduled writing. My word count goal is only 10,000, so it's not a lot.

I'm writing it both on paper and then transcribing it into the word doc, so it's a bit more work than normal, but because we've been busy, I wanted to be able to take it with me in a better way than using my phone.

So far, I've got 1460 words, so it's not too bad. I am a bit behind from days where I either didn't really get any writing done, or I didn't get enough done.

I'll try to get the chapter of True Blood that I promised (and failed to deliver on) last week out this week. Promise!


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