Writing Update for the Week of July 13th

Real Life Update
Not much happened this week honestly.

My sunburn is a bit better. It's not totally healed because where I wasn't tanned before the sunburn is still significantly redder than everywhere else and it's still peeling, but it's definitely better than it was at the time of last week's update. The peeling is annoying, 'cause it gets everywhere and it's where clothing rubs so it's constantly coming off, but at least it's not so itchy now.

Other than that... nothing really happened...

Writing Update
Days filled: Su / Mo / Tu / We / Th / Fr / Sa (6/7)***
Word Count: 3896

I actually sat down and did the full 25 minutes of pretty much everything this week, I'm so proud of myself! There were some that drove me crazy, but I did end up getting at least 250 words (my project goal per session) for almost everything, so woo!

I started the New York Home upgrading this week. Already there are almost a thousand words and I've only gotten to the part of the first chapter where Tony actually finds Harry, so expect it to be much longer than it was previously. The upgrading is mostly to get it more in line with the way I write at current and to fix the plethora of plotholes and mistakes I wrote myself into, so there will be a number of changes that I'm going to implement that will be both obvious and not to those who have read the story before. Like The Chosen: Omega, which is the upgraded version of The Chosen Omega, I won't be putting out any of the upgraded chapters until I've finished the upgrading and an additional chapter so that I can put out one a day until I've run out so that it's bumped up the list only once. Warnings that it's been upgraded will be put into the notes for each chapter, which will also be rewritten.

NaNo Update
Word Count: 2158

I've actually dropped my word count from 10000 to 5000, due to the fact that I missed a significant number of days and the fact that I'm writing it in a notebook then transcribing it into a document. That said, it's going okay. I've got the first chapter totally planned out, though only partially written, and I've had a plethora of ideas which will eventually be implemented, so stay tuned!

I know I promise it would be out last week, but I plumb forgot. SO I've made myself a reminder and I will put out the next chapter of True Blood this week.


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