Writing Update for the Week of July 20th

Real Life Update
Not a lot really happened this week. We painted most of the garage in between rainy days, so that's pretty much done. Otherwise, nothing really happened this week.

Writing Update
Days Filled: Su / Mo / Tu / We / Th / Fr / Sa (6/7)
Word Count: 4518

Writing was okay this week. It was a bit of a hardship for some things, but I did get a fair bit out, as proven by the word count for this week.

Camp NaNo Update
I'm behind again, but I'm not too fussed. Part of it is I got wrapped up in playing games instead of writing, and part of it is I keep changing the timing for this one part, so...

Chapter 3 of Archangel's Heir will be put up this week. It's the Wizengamot chapter, so stay tuned for that.


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