2020: A Year End Update

 Happy holidays, lovelies.

Y'all haven't seen me here in months, and I apologize, but as many of you have probably also experienced, 2020 kicked my ass. I started the year alright, but everything spun out of control around the time that we went into Lockdown in April. 

I honestly didn't get a whole lot of writing done after that; partly because I got a job over the summer, spending from the middle of May to the end of August working like 18 hour days, so not a whole lot of writing since I only had my phone until I got a new laptop in August. 

January saw me getting into a new fandom, falling into a rabbit hole of the 9-1-1 universe. On top of the JKR scandals of the year, that has kinda drained my want to write HP. Before you worry, I do plan to finish all of my y fics; it might just take a while. 

Important Yule Notes

... As you can see, it is now the 24th of December, and usually, you'd have three or four fics by now, but my last exam/papers were due on the 21st, so I was finishing those and losing my mind. The 21st also saw the long-awaited 1.5 update for Stardew Valley, so the 22nd was spent cooling my brain playing the game. 

The 23rd was also spent playing games and doing the last bits of Christmas shopping I had left, so now I'm writing at 00:41 on the 24th instead. 

I will be posting at least a few more things before the year's end. 

2021 Goals

My goal for 2021 is simple: just write. Write, and if I finish something, great; if not, well, more writing will be done. Hopefully, I can also get back into doing weekly updates, but I'll definitely try to update you more often than I have this year. 



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