Writing Update for the Week of June 8

Real Life Update
Not really much to comment on for this week. 

Still job searching... It's a pain in the butt. 

I passed my driving test! Woo to having a full license now!

Other than my grandparents going away for my Gr'Aunts' birthdays, and getting into a small fender-bender on their way home today, nothing else really happened this week. 

Writing Update
Days Filled: Su / Mo / Tu / We / Th / Fr / Sa (6/7)
Word Count: 3577

The Time After Time series is still giving me trouble. Seven just feels like too much retelling at the moment, even though only Draco and Harry know what actually happened. With Ten, I've actually been working on a later chapter because it was a large part of the reason that I started it. Fourteen keeps getting chapters added to it in between the chapters I have already, so it's a bit of a mess. 

I've fallen into a Rhodey/Sam mindset for No Matter The Time, so I've been working on their chapters. The one I'm currently working on is fairly angsty, so I've been doing it tiny bits at a time. And the third installment of the Soulmates Are Forever Series has some plot but it's mostly just me playing around with the dynamics of Quicktiesnowbird. 

And to go with the new series I started last week, this week I had an idea for a new HP fic. In this one, Augusta would get to raise Neville and Harry together. There would be a bit of crossover with Arthurian Legend/Merlin (TV) but until I get it written, you'll have to watch and wait. 

Another Sapling will be put in the Orchard on Tuesday, but as of now, I don't really have anything planned for Thursday. 


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