Writing Update for August 3rd

Real Life Update
Sorry, this didn't come out yesterday, darlings. We went to see the cousins for Big Cousin's birthday. I spent most of the day in the pool, got an uncomfortable sunburn along my back though it's mostly my forehead and the back of my arms that are the issue. I also spent a lot of time playing with the Baby Cousins, and can I just say that it's an exhausting experience to wrangle a two-year-old and a nine-year-old in the pool.

Went and saw Hobbs and Shaw today, it was really good! I haven't seen any of the other Fast and the Furious series, but that knowledge isn't really necessary for this film, so knock yourselves out if you like explosions and Idris Elba.

Writing Update
Days Filled: Su / Mo / Tu / We / Th / Fri / Sa (6/7)
Word Count: 4149

This week was an even spread; I got at least 200 words for most things, and I did do at least 25 minutes for everything, even when I really didn't want to.

Not really sure what in all Hells I'll be putting out. I'm still futzing with a new system for how and what I'm going to be posting, so...


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