Writing Update for August 17th

Real Life Update
This week was meh. On Friday we went to the States, so... That was interesting, to see the differences between here and there; the things they have we don't, and the things we have they don't. That was all that really happened this week that was interesting...

Writing Update
Days filled: Su / Mo / Tu / We / Th / Fr / Sa (5/7)
Word Count: 2679

Thanks to having gone on a day trip to the states, I didn't do any writing on Friday.

I've given myself a freebie for the new works I started. Neither is anything I've written before, so...

One: it's a reincarnation Merlin-crossover of HP, with Harry/Neville/Harem.

Two: is a Lost Boys (1987) fic with Half-Vampire Emersons, so...I've got lots of plans.

Nothing is going to come out this week either, unfortunately. I'm still getting chapters finished and getting the schedule table filled out, so...

Other Notes
I signed up for the HPRarepairs BINGO, so we'll see how that goes. Cards don't get sent out until September though, so...


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