Update for the Week of February 2

Real Life Update
This week was alright I guess. I've had a cough for about two months now that just won't go away. It leaves and then comes back, and this last iteration of it has been extremely annoying. I'm thinking it has something to do with how cold and dry it's been here lately rather than something else.

I started doing what I'm sure is a 1000 piece puzzle... that has no follow-along image. It came from one of those multi-puzzle boxes, but when I moved for college I didn't take the box, just the two unopened bags. So it's been extremely slow going thanks to that, and the stupid cat who--until I covered it with a pillowcase (which fits almost exactly over it)--pulled the damned thing apart and threw the pieces all over the room.

Writing Update
Word Count: 2662
Days Filled: Su / Mo / Tu / We / Th / Fr / Sa (5/7)

I spent Sunday and Wednesday working on both my thesis and a project that's due tomorrow, so technically I got some more writing done, but not on my stuff, so they don't really count.

Again, I was only doing 5-minute intervals for everything, so I didn't get a lot done. I did get a few new chapters for No Matter The Time planned out after looking at a post on Tumblr, so there's that.

I'm not really happy with several of the chapters that I'm currently working on, so it's been slow going. I'm not kidding, I have literally started rewriting the latest chapter of The Chosen Omega because I didn't like it, and the original version is about 2000 words. 

Plans for Next Week
I'm thinking of putting out more snippets into the Orchard, so stay tuned for that.

A new chapter of Archangel's Heir will be put up this week since I don't really have anything else at the moment that I'm happy with to post. So if you liked that, then stay tuned for that.


Feel free to leave a one-time donation on my Ko-Fi page. See you next week for sure!



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