Marvel Ideas/Questions

So I have some questions/ideas about the Marvel universe... 

Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto)
The way that I see Mutations is that they are another sense, another part of a person, so for one to be cut off is like someone who has been hearing or seeing all their life going deaf or blind. So for Erik to be in the plastic prison where there is no metal, it would be like being stuck in a sound absorbing room, which would eventually lead to madness and straining for that sense. And I know that in X-Men 2 that Mystique injects that guard with more iron, but an adult human male has approximately 4 grams of iron already in the blood. So my question is: why didn't Erik escape before by ripping that iron out of a guard? He most likely would have ended up doing it if Marvel ever followed reality, even if it did happen accidentally.

Magneto vs. The Winter Soldier
Erik controls metal; the Winter Soldier has a metal arm. SO HOW IN ALL OF HADES COULD ERIK NOT CONTROL THE PATH OF THE BULLET WHEN THE WINTER SOLDIER SHOT JFK? Bucky's arm is literally made of metal, and you need both arms to shoot someone with a rifle, so seriously, how did Erik fail?


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